Sunday, April 18, 2010

Paella Party

My grandma and Keith had a paella party for Keith's work friends so Taylor, her boyfriend Michael, and I went to help cater the dinner. In the photos above from left to right, top row: asparagus with garlic aoli, chocolate dipped strawberries, oven roasted paprika and sea salt almonds bottom row: churros con chocolate, Chloe helping in the backyard, Paella. There was a ton more food than I got photos of. We also made bacon wrapped dates and figs, fried calamari, shrimp, and a huge salad bar with every topping you can think of. Somehow I wound up being bar tender for the night; aparently I make a mean lemon drop! We pulled it off without a hitch, minus the burns on my arms from frying the churros hehe. It was a great event and so fun to be in the kitchen with my Mimi!
Here's a link to the photos individually: Paella Party Album
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1 comment:

  1. This was a fabulous party. Couldn't have done it without all of your help. Thank you so much. Pictures are beautiful.
