Monday, February 7, 2011

Dijon Chicken Night

The Melodrama has moved to a new schedule this year. Instead of doing 8 shows a year (5-6 weeks of each show), we've moved to 6 shows with longer runs of each show (7-8 weeks). The greatest benefit of this: 2 weeks off a rehearsal between each show! Chris and I have been able to cook dinner together, go to our young adult Bible study, spend time with Nik, Melissa and their kids, and have dinner with my parents and Chris mom. It has been wonderful. The past two weeks have been so much fun! Rehearsal for our new show, Bedlam at Sam Lynn Ball Park, starts tonight so it's back to the grind. Chris is directing this next show (yayyy!) so I am stage managing for him. Last week Chris made me one of the best dinners I've had in a long time. Okay, I helped with some of the prep, but the ideas of what to cook and the majority of the actual cooking was all Chris. We had his family's famous garlic salad, (I'll post the recipe in my online cookbook when I think about it) Onion Soup Mix potatoes (the recipe is on the back of the Lipton Onion Soup box) and a recipe from Smitten Kitchen, Dijon Chicken. Yummy!!!! If you've never read Smitten Kitchen online before do it now! Here is the link for the chicken but look through the whole site while you are there! Chris and I decided the chicken was a little bit salty, we used low sodium chicken broth but will look for no sodium next time and probably cut back on the salt when seasoning. We also thought this dijon sauce would be fantastic on pork. Give it a try! Thanks for a great dinner, Chris.

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  1. Where, may I ask, are the placemats??

  2. ooo, busted! It may be a lame excuse, but we have one! We used them at our last dinner together and made a olive oil and balsamic dipping sauce for our bread. We got oil all over those place mats and Chris hasn't washed them yet. Clearly it's all his fault ;) I sure hope they wash up okay!
