Saturday, July 10, 2010

Disneyland/Taylor's Birthday

Well it's been a week or so blog family, how have you been? Things have been wild around here! A brief recap: 2 weeks of VBS at St. Johns, got thrown into the show at the Melodrama with 6 rehearsals, trip to the beach for 4th of July and then strait to Disneyland. What a whirlwind! I think things are settled down now. Anywhoooo, the beach was wonderful and relaxing. Just enjoyed good food and family. Chris and I always enjoy going over there and just getting away from it all. Disneyland was a blast but we had a small hitch that made the whole trip a little dissapointing. Let me start from the beginning. (insert twinkly sparkly music) Mimi and Keith (my grandma's man/companion/whatever you want to call him) asked my cousin Taylor and I if we would go with Mimi to Disneyland along with Keith's grandson, Ryan, from Australia. Did that make sense? So gladly we accepted, little did we know he was a 13 year old smelly, I repeat smelly boy! The kid wore the same socks his entire 2 week stay in California. He had others but did he wear them? Nope! Besides his odor, he was a really good kid. He learned quickly that he could get under our skin and drive us nuts, but that's what teenage boys do I suppose. The first day we just stayed in Disneyland and had an awesome dinner at Blue Bayou. The second day was Taylor birthday and we were SUPPOSED to see World of Color in the preferred dinning section but there was an earthquake that cracked on the lifts underwater and they CANCELLED all three shows that night. Soooo dissapointing. When the earthquake happened they forced everyone out of the line cues and off the rides and everyone was out in the walkways with no where to go. Very strange feeling, you never realize just how many people are at the park until no one is in line for anything, you're all just smushed together. And when all the rides shut down it was eerily quiet. We luckily had dinner reservations shortly after it happened so we went into the restaurant and got away from everyone. After dinner everything was back open, except World of Color. I was so sad. The next day Taylor and I dropped Mimi and Ryan off at Universal Studios and we headed home. We had such an amazing time. A HUGE thanks to Mimi and Keith who were INCREDIBLY generous to invite us.
Ooo, and Happy 18th Birthday Taylor!
To see all the photos from the trip and a few from the 4th of July click HERE!!!

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