Friday, April 15, 2011

Dad's Birthday Cake

Yes, my Dad's birthday was the beginning of March...I told you...I've been busy!
So, my dad doesn't eat anything bad for him. He had a heart attack a few years ago and since then has no desire to cheat and eat bad. He just doesn't do it. Well he decided this year for his birthday he wanted to have a birthday cake. I was shocked! I make all these cool cakes for friends and family and my dad has never even had a bite. I was so excited that my dad was finally going to get to try the cake I make. So we were sitting at the dinner table and I asked the questions that would begin a feud between the two of us for years to come. I asked, "So, what kind of cake do you want?" Expecting an answer like chocolate or vanilla, he quickly responds, "SMITHS!" Now, if you're not farmilliar with Bakersfield, Smiths is a local bakery. AKA- not my baking! I couldn't believe my ears. I asked him if he was joking and he replied, "Oh, that's right you make cakes huh?" "Yes, Dad, so what kind of cake do you want me to bake you? I'll make whatever you want!" This is the part that really gets me. "Oh, I still want Smiths I just forgot you bake too." Crushed and still hopeful he is joking I tell him fine, I'd order him a Smiths cake but I would make sure they spelled every word wrong. After two weeks of deliberation he finally gave in and let him bake his cake. I know deep down he probably still wanted Smiths but I refuse to have those funny tasting red food coloring frosting flowers in my tummy!

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