Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hot Fudge Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Chris sends me recipes he finds online pretty often.  We mention that they look delicious and normally they just get filed into my brain for a rainy day.  When he sent me these Peanut Butter Stuffed Hot Fudge Cupcakes I agreed that they sounded delicious.  But then... he started dropping hints about them every chance he could get! When I asked him yesterday what dessert I should make to take over to our friends house tonight he quickly responded "Peanut butter filled hot fudge cupcakes? I don't know..." Was the "I don't know" part really necessary?! There was not even an ounce of "I don't know" in how quickly and precisely he responded. I was committed: Peanut Butter Stuffed Hot Fudge Cupcakes it is.  Until I pulled up the recipe and did more that just gawk over the amazing photos.  Check it out here. Or from another website that seems to be the exact same recipe here. I'm not sure which came first.  A case of the chicken or the egg is what we have.  Regardless... did you see that ingredient list?! 25 Ingredients?! I love to bake, don't get me wrong.  But 25 ingredients?! When I told Chris I didn't want to do that he understood but sounded pretty heart broken.  When I got to the baking section of the store it hit me: make it simple, cheat, and end up with nearly the same product.  So here's the solution: a fancy boxed mix and pre-made hot fudge-keeping the frosting the exact same as the recipe.  That's the part that really counts anyways right? I found a fancy box mix that included a separate mix for a fudge chocolatey filling- bingo! Don't be a cake mix snob- there are some amazing box mixes out there that I honestly some times prefer over the dry dense nasty stuff you can get at some fancy bakeries.  Any who... I made up the main mix and put into my  cupcake tins then you put a spoon full of the fudge mix on top and it sinks in while it bakes.  The frosting I made according to the recipe and it was oh so delicious.  Mine was not pipe-able like the ones in the photo though! It was pretty thick so I just did my best to spread it around with a knife. I liked the texture though; it wasn't all whippy like a lot of buttercreams can be.  All was going well until I was moving the cupcakes into the fridge for the night and BAM!

7 Cupcakes hit the ground. I was so upset!!! Chris was on his way over and so I left them until he got here and made him throw them away.  I couldn't handle putting something I worked so hard on in the trashcan.  Ugh!  On the bright side, 12 survived.  I didn't snap the bottom tier of the cupcake carrier to the top.  Disaster.

Well I let the survivors sit in the fridge over night then this morning and I topped them with the gooey hot fudge.  They turned out great! Make sure you have milk on hand though, these things are rich!

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