Friday, September 30, 2011

Peeling Garlic

I've decided that I need to blog more often.  Who knows if I'll actually follow through with it, but I've at least admitted that it needs to happen. Since I don't have enough opportunities to bake and post photos for you to enjoy I have to seek out other interesting stuff to tell you about.  So... here is a cool video I came across today.  How to peel garlic in under 10 seconds. Who knows if it works but it's worth a shot!

How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds from on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. I just tried it... He must have magic garlic! I had to hit the clove with my meat mallet to get it to break apart and then I shook it until my arms fell off and all of the cloves were still covered in the papery stuff. Of course, we all know I'm no cook so it may be operator error...

